Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Message From Teachers to Parents

Source: Cnn (article here)
My final class for my Masters degree is online, and strongly based on discussion.  One of my fellow cohort members posted a link to this article on, titled "What teachers really want to tell parents."  The article talks about a principal, voted state administrator of the year, who leaves her job because she cannot deal with parent any longer.

The article goes on to give a clear message: Making excuses and undermining teacher's authority need to stop.  Parents should trust that teachers are doing the best thing for each child.  I was recently in a discussion with a few teachers about parental involvement in student schedules.  In recent years, more and more parents are pushing their children into higher level courses.  Sometimes, the parents override teacher recommendations to do so.  Yes, some students can be challenged and succeed.  Other students do not have a strong enough grasp on the math skills needed to succeed in these classes.  Putting them in high level classes will put a strain on them.  Every parent wants their child to succeed in school, and exceed expectations.  However, parents need to be realistic.  Every child has strengths and weaknesses.  Refusing to acknowledge this will only hinder their learning.

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