I've been a little absent from blogging recently, and I apologize. This summer will be the longest I'll be in my parents' house since 2008, and I realized that I spent all of college using my room for storage. It is in desperate need of cleaning! I've been slowly working on that, along with a job, and lots of visits with the boyfriend (a 2 hour commute >> an 8 hour commute! For you non-math people, >> means "much much greater"). During all of this, I attended my first knitting class. I mentioned it in my last post about picking.
I wasn't really sure what to expect in the class. I could do the cuff pattern on my own if I wanted, and I'm not a huge fan of people analyzing my knitting. However, I'm really glad I signed up. They money really goes to utilizing the expertise of the teacher. She told me about picking, she had suggestions to improve the pattern, and even some suggestions for weaving support when I get my loom reeds. There are only two other people in the class, so there's a lot of time for off-topic questions.
I had practiced with my tiny needles, and was pretty comfortable using them in class. I made some good progress while there, and really enjoy working with beads. In elementary school, I was really into using my bead loom, and making bracelets, animals and all kinds of things with tiny seed beads. Apparently I still enjoy it! Here are some pictures:
I added pencil erasers to the end of the needles to avoid blisters on my palms. |
Detail on the beginning of the bracelet. I'll weave ribbon through the eyelets when I'm finished. |
What I have so far! |
Preview of what it will look like on my wrist. |
Detail of the back of the bracelet. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but the beads are a deep amethyst. |
Our teacher had the clever idea to use embroidery floss holders to keep our beads from tangling. |