Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obsession: Natural Wooden Products

My ideal hardwood floor... Wide, dark planks [source].
I'll admit it- I watch a lot of HGTV (the Home and Garden Network). A lot. Pretty much any show where they're doing a renovation or looking at real estate has me hooked! While watching (and silently arguing with homeowners when they make poor decorating choices), and I realized that I loooooove wood. Hardwood floors, beautiful furniture, and lately some interesting accessories. While I'm talking about hardwood floors can I give some advice? Stick with the basic layout. Don't choose to use herringbone or parquet patterns! Yuck. I will also admit that watching these shows gives me an urge to buy a fixer-upper and renovate! We'll see how that goes... Below are some of the wooden products on my List of Things to Buy When I Get a Full-time Job:

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Visit from Australia!

In case you didn't know, I spent spring of 2009 studying abroad in Brisbane, Australia. When I got back, I kind of talked about it ALL OF THE TIME. Because it was amazing.  I made some incredible friends, had a lot of fun, saw some amazing things, and even went to my college classes (mostly). I'm pretty crappy at keeping in touch with people, but I've managed to keep up with one friend, who stopped by during his month-long visit to the States.  Duncan was nice enough to come to school with me and answer all kinds of weird questions about Australia. We hit up the Pennsylvania Farm Show on one day, and then drove down to Washington D.C. and went sightseeing.  Ohmygosh, it's exhausting to be a tourist! Walking around for hours in sub-freezing temperatures counts as a workout, right?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

DIY: Woven Scarf Knot

My sister came home from college with a cute new way to wear scarves!

I have to give her credit for showing me how to tie it (thanks Meg!), but you don't have to tell your friends where you got it from.  It's our little secret ;)  This knot is great because it lies flat, and doesn't get in your way.  It's really easy too!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday Recap

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! I got lots of lovely knitting goodies for Christmas (and a Kindle touch)! I'm not going to lie, I spent the past year wondering if I would like a Kindle. Everybody I know that has one looooves it, but I still thought reading on a screen would be weird. Now, I'm definitely a Kindle convert! I'm a little concerned that my knitting will suffer now that my love of reading has returned!

Among my knitting gifts I received sock forms to block my socks! I also got real knitting blocks (no more pinning my work down on cardboard boxes) and a sweater comb. All in all a very nice Christmas.

I've never been a big believer in New Year's resolutions, and haven't made any this year. I recently created a professional development plan for both my knitting and teaching. I plan on continuing to work towards those goals, and hope that 2012 is as amazing as 2011 was. The past year was busy, rewarding and exciting! I finished my student teaching, moved back in with my parents, and found a job I love. Throughout that, I managed to squeeze in lots of visits with The Boy. I rang in the new year surrounded by friends, an incredible boyfriend, and great food. Life couldn't be better.

P.S. my gift to you: a picture of my sister's silly cat with a bow. She didn't even realize it was on her...