Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day Gift

This year we had a pretty low key Mother's Day. My mom didn't ask for any presents, and we went out to dinner Saturday night (at our local, delicious Belgium restaurant!). Of course, we all got her something regardless of her "no gift" declaration. My sister and I got together to sew a knitting needle case! My mom had all of her needles in a bag from our yarn store. I do the same thing. It's hilarious when one of us is starting a new project, because we end up getting both our bags out and combing through the needles looking for the right size. We always joke about organizing them, but always put it off.

I remembered that the first Stitch 'n Bitch book has a needle case pattern, so I hopped over to the fabric store to pick out cute canvas.
My sister didn't get home from college until late Friday night, so we agreed to get up early Saturday to work on the case. We cut out all the pieces (my sister is an art student, so her T-square was incredibly useful... without it I tend to cut fabric into parallelograms instead of rectangles), and ran down to the sewing machine. Crap. There was no thread in the machine. I tried my best to thread it, but usually I copy whatever thread is already in the machine. Without a guide, I was lost. We had to ask my mom for help! After she threaded the machine, we got down to business. And sewed about 2 inches before the bobbin caught and the machine was stuck. Double crap. Mom had to come help again (she pretended not to see what we were working on). I learned how to fix the bobbin, which was good because it caught about a dozen more times during the project! With two of us to do the sewing and pressing, the case got done in a few hours. We have enough extra fabric that we could make another case, or a circular needle holder.

It's so nice and organized now!
I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day.

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