Now that my graduation ceremony has taken place, I have a lot of free time on my hands. I'm done with all my school work, student teaching has been done for a month, I cleaned and entertained the family, and even sent some stuff home with them. I'm just killing time in Indiana until my friend gets married in a few weeks. This means... knitting! Knitting, knitting, knitting. Occasionally, I force the roommate to go running with me as well. I figure getting out of the house is good for our mental health.
I've been working diligently on the Nip/Tuck shirt for the past few months, and I finally finished it! I just need to block it.
Notice the coconut buttons! |
For those of you who don't know, blocking is a process that "sets" the stitches. I block the item to the size and shape I want, and then it doesn't get stretched out or mishappen when I wear it. I've only blocked a few things in my knitting career, and never a bamboo/nylon blend. Usually, I gently swish the object in warm water with some soap, then rinse and lay out to dry in the shape I want. However, bamboo is prone to stretching, so I want to block this top differently. I think I'm going to try to spray-bottle method (good thing too, because I knitting friend informed me that nylon is sensitive to warm water- crisis averted!). I'll lay my shirt out, and use a squirt bottle and cold water to wet it. Then, I'll just have to wait for it to dry. I've tried to shirt on, and it fit perfectly, so I'm nervous I'll block it incorrectly and ruin everything...
Jayne Hat |
After I finished the shirt, I immediately (I told you... lots of free time) cast on the
Jayne Hat for my roommate. I finished it the next day. And immediately cast on the
Grumpasaurus my friend asked me to knit. I finished that the next day. Now I'm out of things to knit. I spent a while browsing Ravelry for new patterns, and found a
purse that I love. It has a beautiful lace pattern, and a 2-sided sewn lining. Perfect. I want to work on my sewing skills this summer, so I can knit the bag now, and finish it at home in a few weeks. Unfortunately, the local yarn store is closed Sundays and Mondays. I hope I can find a good yarn soon! I don't know too much about fibers, but I want something that won't stretch. Maybe a cotton or nylon blend...
Grumpasaurus. |
Personally, I like Grumpysaurus better! |