Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekend Recap: 4/20-4/22

I love weekends. I get to sleep in, and most weekends I get to see my boyfriend! The best part of all: Soooo much knitting time. There are some weekends where I barely leave the couch because I'm so into my knitting projects. Lately, I've had to split my attention between knitting and watching the hockey playoffs (Go Caps!).

During my spare time on Friday, I was playing with these great wallpapers from Smashing Magazine. I wanted a cute bunting wallpaper for my iphone, but I didn't like the dark brown background it had. So I used some handy dandy photo editing, and this is what I came up with:
[Original image here]
The cutting wasn't perfect, so I may go back and clean it up. But I love the bunting and the cheerful colors!

This weekend was really fun. The boy came to visit, and we spent Friday night just hanging out and watching tv (Grimm anyone? I love that show!). Saturday morning I dragged him out for our Couch to 5k training. I cheated this week, and didn't follow the program. But I think I cheated in a good way... Instead of doing the walk/run combo on day 2, I did a 1.8 mile run with my rugby girls. It took 20 minutes, which is the same amount of time I would have done the Couch to 5k program, and it was definitely harder! We ran around the high school campus, and it has a lot of hills. So going back to the walk/run workout was nice on Saturday. Of course, we rewarded our efforts with a throughly unhealthy lunch at Red Robin.
I love me some strawberry lemonade!
Saturday afternoon we watched the Caps kick butt against the Bruins! I'm so glad they're ahead in the series, and I'm watching game 6 as I type this. I really hope we win! Saturday night, we went to see Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood in their "The Two Man Group Tour." Do those names sound familiar? They are from Whose Line is it Anyway?! I was so excited when my parents bought me tickets as an early birthday present.
The show was hilarious! I literally laughed so hard that I drooled on myself. Embarrassing. There was a lot of audience participation, and it was really fun. If you get a chance to go, you definitely should!

Today, I've been knitting up a storm. I finally finished the strap on my Firefly bag, so I can start on the lining soon (I know, I say that every time I post).
Firefly bag

I'm absolutely in love with the the colors in this skein! Pinks, purples and grays :)

Slowly turning into The Sunlight Shawl

I'm looking forward to a new episode of Game of Thrones tonight, with some more knitting (and perhaps some cat cuddling). Hope you all had a good weekend!

P.S. No Sunday Selections this week... I'm between books right now, so look for another Sunday Selection next week!

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